Form is temporary; class is permanent
As you would expect, our experts at MPL would not rest until they had understood the
root causes behind businesses failing to achieve their true potential. You may be happy
with your current form but the evidence is overwhelming that the majority of businesses
lose money over the long term. Many CEO's and MD's worry that a run of good form
can lead to complacency and then mediocrity.
So, how do you sustain greatness in your business? MPL's ValueDriver system can help.
The ValueDriver system consists of 4 products:
We can help you solve some of the toughest problems on your
journey to being the best you can be.
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This programme is a 'next generation' LeanDriver that manages
a business rather than an operational area.
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A development tool which examines factory gate price points back to
raw materials and measures customer and product profitability.
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ProfitRescuer enables a team to understand the connections or
disconnections which impact on margin.
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How does ValueDriver work?
The MPL Value Driver system is designed to move your business from temporary good
form to a business team with permanent class.
It begins with a review of the activities going on in your business that really do add
value or improve efficiency. This wasted energy occurs where teams don't link goals,
functional behaviours take hold, time is lost or activities become internally focused,
obscuring the line of sight to your customer ValueDriver gives your managers the
capability to deliver customer needs more simply, more effectively, more profitably
and in a different ways to your competitors.
Lean is only part of the MPL story
How agile is your business?
Efficiency is important in any business (usually expressed as cost and waste reduction),
however this focus should not overshadow the need for effectiveness. We can help you
to understand the issues that can cause your margin to erode and put in place
actions for margin recovery and profitable business growth.
It is about honesty, intelligence, preparation, keeping things simple and 'flow'.
Understanding how this works enables your teams to be agile, alert, adaptable
and able to respond to changing customer needs, profitably; today, tomorrow
and next year. As with our highly regarded LeanDriver system the principles
involve a measurement system, a toolkit, training and a clear, effective process.
ValueDriver recognises the art of management and underpins this with rigour and
science. By exposing your key personnel to facts, data and direct contact with
customers in the right ways can develop your business to become radically
better, more effective, more efficient, more enjoyable and more satisfying.